Teaching Romanian as a foreign language through gamification

Monographic study and best practice guide

10-11 November 2022, Florence

Innovation in Language Learning International Conference

Participation of the research team at the Innovation in Language Learning International Conference, November 9-11, 2022, Florence, Italy, with the presentations: Teaching Romanian for Specific Purposes in a Gamified Environment and GIRO – Towards a gamified approach to teaching Romanian as a foreign language

November 2022, Romae

Romanian Language Institute in Rome

The participation of the entire project team in the exchange of best practices with the representative of the Romanian Language Institute in Rome, lecturer Dr. Nicoleta Neșu, during the research visit in November 2022

September 15-17, 2022, Brașov

SUM - Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Structure, Use, and Meaning: Language and Dialogue from an Intercultural Perspective

Participation of the entire project team at the SUM International Conference - Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Structure, Use, and Meaning: Language and Dialogue from an Intercultural Perspective, September 15-17, 2022, Brașov, Romania, with the presentation Game on: Gamifying teaching – motivating learning

September 14, 2022, Brașov

GIRO Workshop

The organization of the GIRO Workshop, by the entire project team, with the participation of teachers of the Romanian language as a foreign language from the country and abroad, in order to present the experiment implemented by the project team within the lessons of RL as a FL at PA from UNITBV and to carry out a constructive exchange of good practices in RL and FL classes.

May 25, 2022, Ploiesti

Cultural diversity in the academic space International Conference

The online participation of 4 students, who were part of the experimental group, in the research regarding the implementation of the concept of teaching with the help of gamification of the Romanian language as a foreign language at the Preparatory Year of the Faculty of Letters from UNITBV, at the International Conference Cultural Diversity in the Academic Space , Ploiești, May 2022, as a result of applying the dynamics from the gamification pyramid (cf. specialized literature) through the concept of scaffolding

May 10, 2022, Brașov

AFCO (Graduates Facing Companies)

The participation of Dr. Ionuț Căpeneață at the UNITBV, AFCO (Graduates in Face of Companies) event, in order to present the concept of gamification to private companies in Brașov / Romania, with a focus on the possibility of its implementation in education as well.


The newsletter of Transilvania University of Brașov



Promoting the project on the: De vorbă cu... conf. dr. Andreea Nechifor talk show

Participation in the talk show: De vorbă cu..., at Radio Campus Transilvania Brașov, during which the project director presented the project, financed through the Young Teams contest, organized by UEFISCDI, the concept of gamification, as well as the way in which the project carried out the activities in the first stage of implementation.