TE 206 ⁄ 2021

Gamification based
Romanian language teaching

Code: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0259

Duration: March 1, 2021 – February 28, 2023

Total contract value: 424,681 lei

Project type: Research projects to stimulate young independent teams




The main objective of the project is to introduce the concept of gamification in the Romanian as a foreign language classes.

What is innovative and original is not only the fact that the subject itself is modern and has not been officially addressed in Romania so far, from the point of view of foreign language teaching didactics, but also the fact that it could have a major international impact on teaching Romanian as a foreign language with its help.

All members of the team have extensive experience in teaching Romanian as a foreign language and believe that gamification can be one of the best modern teaching methods that can succeed in polarizing and bringing together candidates for learning a foreign language from cultures, religions, education systems and extremely different social backgrounds. When the communication in the classroom is hindered by various taboo subjects or words, when learning styles are extremely varied, when motivation drops, especially when it comes to learning Romanian as a foreign language, as it is one of the difficult languages to learn, gamification can represent a real solution.


Ensuring the inter/national visibility of this approach is the main goal, and to achieve this, exchange visits to the Romanian Language Institutes abroad have been planned to share best practices. A workshop with Romanian language teachers from both the country and abroad has been scheduled for the exchange of ideas, as well as conferences to present research analysis from this project.


The publication of a methodology that brings together advice and the results of the experiment carried out with both the students of the Brașov Summer School (2020, 2021) and those of the preparatory year for Romanian language, as well as good practices, exercises and practical materials to be used in the future.




Andreea Nechifor PhD

Conf. dr. Andreea Nechifor

Project Director
Saftoiu PhD

Prof. dr. Razvan Săftoiu

Senior Reseacher
burbea phd

Lector dr. Georgiana Burbea

Young Researcher
capeneata phd

Drd. Ionuț Căpeneață

PhD Student